A number of people just assume that Halal food is just about pork (or the lack thereof). However, it's much more than that. 1. Treating animals kindly - Were the animals treated cruelly or tortured before they were killed. If they were, even if they were killed in the prescribed manner, it may still not be halal. 2. Alcohol: The issue of alcohol served in the eating places is quite controversial. According to some scholars, the place is not halal if non-halal food or alcoholic drinks are served in that place as well. A number of people forget that alcohol is haram as well, the same as pork. In fact we are allowed to eat pork if there is no other food around. However, there is no leeway for alcohol though some scholars are of the opinion it is allowed in minute quantities if present in medicines and used for medicinal purposes. 3. Cleanliness: Some restaurants which we have visited were really filthy with dirty walls and floors, oily tables and smelly but have the halal s...